TabStar is committed to providing the best online tablature software available anywhere in the world and as such is continuously adding and improving features on the site. You can use this page to see what new developments have recently occurred and to keep track of our continuing efforts!
Please remember your feedback is important to us and if you have a feature request or comments on existing features please tell us on the Feedback page.
Website Performance 4th October 2010

You spoke, we listened. After receiving several pieces of feedback from the Feedback page requesting faster pages, we took action. TabStar is a very full featured website and as such can contain large pages - especially if you have large pieces of sheet music you are creating.

We have taken steps to ensure download times are at a minimum and page size has been greatly reduced to ensure a fast and responsive experience when using the site.
Tab X-Tractor 12th February 2010

TabStar's Tab X-Tractor is an addition to the parser which lets you open a popup window while inside an external tab site and parse the tab directly in to TabStar without leaving the external site. It's an excellent and useful addition to TabStar's tablature tools and will help you learn songs from external sources using TabStar's full high quality tablature rendering engine.

You can save songs parsed with the Tab X-Tractor in to your own personal guitar tab archive and they are exactly the same as the songs you create, you can edit them, upload sound files for the bars, analyze their key and save them as you would your own songs.

You can read more about Tab X-Tractor on the Tab X-Tractor help page.
Song Validation 1st Janurary 2010

TabStar's Song Validation lets you identify notes which are not in your songs chosen key by highlighting them in red. This applies to items on your Tablature Grids and also dots and string modifiers on your Chord Boxes. Song Validation applies to all the songs in your My Guitar Tabs list, your Guitar Snippets, and any songs you parse and add to your guitar tab library.

You can read more about song validation in the Song Validation help pages.
Full Members Can Create Ultra-High Quality PDF's 1st December 2009

TabStar's PDF generator is perfectly paired with the Advanced Tablature Grids enjoyed by holders of the Full Account. You can convert any of your guitar tabs or guitar tab snippets in to high quality PDF documents which you can print, share, or save in to your own archive on your PC.

TabStar's PDF generator not only works seamlessly with all your guitar tabs, it is also fully integrated in to your guitar tab snippet list.

  PDF  View The Demo Song As A PDF

You can read more about creating ultra-high quality PDF's in the Creating High Quality PDF's From Your Guitar Tabs help pages.
Advanced Tablature Grids Enabled for Full Account Holders 24th October 2009

The quality of the guitar tablature generated by TabStar has been greatly improved. A new set of tool windows allows holders of the Full account to create professional looking guitar tabs in seconds using TabStar's advanced guitar tablature editing engine.

The same simple rules of 'Drag and Drop' apply which means you can concentrate on your music instead of spending time on your notation as the complex features are automatically manged for you.

You can read more about Advanced Tablature Grids in the Advanced Tablature Grids Help Pages.
Sharing Centre Enabled for Free Account Holders 9th August 2009

TabStar's Sharing Centre is now enabled for users with a Free Account.

User's can benefit from the powerful sharing features in TabStar which allow friends to view, or if allowed, edit songs to work together collaboratively.

You can read more about Sharing Centre in the Sharing Centre Help Pages.
Snippet Manager 5th June 2009

TabStar's Snippet Manager lets you record all your ideas when you think of them. You can upload sound files so you never forget how they are meant to sound and KeyFinder can analyse them and tell you what key they are in.

Snippet Manager integrates perfectly in to the Create Tablature page and you can insert your snippets directly into the songs you are creating at any point. Chords will be added from the snippet and will appear at the top of the song with all your other chords.

Nobody writes a masterpiece in one go, and with Snippet Manager you can store, access and use all your master-piece's (terrible pun!) at the click of a mouse.

You can read more about Snippet Manager in the Snippet Manager Help Pages.
Sharing Centre 11th April 2009

TabStar's new Sharing Centre allows you to share you guitar tabs with your sharing contacts. You can configure which contacts can view your shared songs, and which contacts can edit them.

Now you can simply share your guitar tablature with others, or you can work collaboratively on songs with other band members.

The Sharing Centre homepage lets you easily see and manage all aspects of sharing, and allows you to view and edit the songs other users have shared with you.

You can read more about Sharing Centre in the Sharing Centre Help Pages.
Change TabGrid Grid Size 14th March 2009

When you are composing your guitar tabs in TabStar you can now choose the spacing between the items dropped on to your TabGrids. This is an important improvement which will let you arrange you final guitar tabs perfectly no matter what the timing of you piece.

This feature also allows you to control the spacing independantly on each TabGrid in your song. For example, you can have a small number of widely spaced items for TabGrids containing rhythm bars, and a high concentration of notes for TabGrids containing your solo's, all in the same song!

Composing your songs is much quicker as the rhythm sections can be quickly put together with a wide spacing saving you time trying to place the parts evenly yourself.
Keys, Scales and Chord Reference Sheets and KeyFinder! 23rd Feb 2009

TabStar adds a new reference section which displays Key, Chord and Scale information at your fingertips.

TabStar's reference section gives you much more. Using KeyFinder you can access Key, Scale and Chord information about your own guitar tabs. KeyFinder will analyse your songs and tell you what musical key they are in, if no exact matches are found it will give you the closest matches in order.

By linking KeyFinder to your songs it is easier for you to find and use more chords relevant to your own current tabs. Use the new 'Find Key' link which you will find on your 'My Guitar Tabs' page. You can also use KeyFinder directly from your Create Guitar Tablature page while you are creating your guitar tabs - read about KeyFinder here.

KeyFinder helps you learn about musical theory in a more intuitive way, for example instead of picking a key to learn and trying to make up a song in that key, you can start to write your own song and find out about it’s key as you develop the song. KeyFinder can present you with chords in your key you may not have considered and can take your songs in new directions!
Free Accounts Support File Upload 17th Feb 2009

TabStar's Free Account now allows users to upload files to acompany their songs. We've realised that for the site to be really beneficial then users at all levels need to be able to upload sound files with their bars - after all, that's what TabStar's all about!

Other changes to TabStar's file storage include allowing a maximum upload limit in Bytes rather than a fixed numer of files. This means if you keep your file sizes small you can upload more!
Multi Browser Support 1st Jan 2009

An excellent start to the new year, and a major step forward to bringing TabStar to as many users as possible, whatever your choice of internet browser.

TabStar now fully supports the 3 major browsers:

Internet Explorer, FireFox & Google Chrome
User Preferences & Themes 12th Dec 2008

The My Preferences page allows users to change various aspects of their experience with TabStar.

The main point of interest on this page is the introduction of Themes. Themes allow you to change the visual appearance of TabStar to one which suits your personal preference.

New Themes will be added over time as well as the introduction of new settings to this page.

Changes made on this page will stored for Registered Users between visits, and if changes are made here by a Guest user the changes will be applied for their current visit only.
Moveable Chords 29th Nov 2008

The introduction of a 'Fret' drop down list on the Chord Box Designer allows bar chords at any position on the neck to be added. You can try it out on the Create Tablature page - just add a Chord Box.

Moveable bar chords integrate fully with Tablature Grids and you will find them in the 'Your Chords' list as you would any other chord you have added to your song. As such they are available for you to drop straight on to your Tablature Grids too.


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